Things happen and when they do it’s best to be prepared so you can protect your family and your income. It’s probably much more affordable than you think. Click on the link below to find out more.
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Did you know the right life insurance policy is so much more than coverage for a beneficiary? Build cash value. Take out a loan. Help pay for college. Get seed money for a business. Find out how now.
Your business is a huge part of your life. If anything were to happen to you it could all disappear. Learn more about what financial vehicles can keep your business afloat even when things shut down.

It’s time to protect your most valuable asset—your ability to earn an income
Whether you own a business or you’re quickly moving up in your career, success is part of your plan. However, are you prepared if an accident happened to you and disabled you temporarily or even permanently?
While it’s hard to imagine, but one quarter of the working population can expect to be out of work for at least a year because of a disabling condition before they reach normal retirement age. This is why it’s so important to be protected with accident insurance.
Some Great Advantages Of Disability Insurance Are:
Portability – Whether you are your own boss or you have one, you can take accident insurance with you wherever you go. If you change jobs, you’re still protected as the coverage stays with you. After all, you are the policy owner.
Customizable – Everyone’s needs are different. So, with that in mind your individual disability insurance can be customized to fit your individual needs and circumstances.
Dependable – Accident insurance is a reliable way to replace a portion of your income and help maintain your lifestyle. You and your family can relax knowing you’ll be covered when you need it the most.
Next, Long Term Care
Did you know that some states are mandating that people and employers acquire long term care insurance? Long-term care coverage is a critical step in helping you keep your lifestyle alive for as long as you are.
Did you know that 70 percent of people age 65 and older will need some kind of help with everyday activities. Health insurance generally doesn’t cover this type of care. As well, almost half the people who need long-term care spend over $107,000 when they need it.
It’s important to consider purchasing long-term care insurance when you’re healthy, because you may not qualify for coverage later if your health changes.
As you can see, there are many reasons to own an accident and health insurance policy.
Call WikiQuoters today to discover which type of insurance policy might be right for you and your family!

At WikiQuoters a licensed agent will help you find the right life insurance policy for your needs.
We help you discover which type of life insurance is right for you because you want to protect your family, now and in the future. In fact, life insurance can play an important role in your financial security at any stage of life.
Because buying life insurance protects your income so that your spouse and children can weather a potentially devastating financial loss if something happens to you. Life insurance provides financial security, helps to pay off debts, helps to pay living expenses, and helps to pay any medical or final expenses.

Your life insurance policy can deliver a specified sum of money when you need it. Upon your death, your family will receive your policy payout immediately. And that death benefit is generally not subject to federal income taxes. For example, a $500,000 policy provides $500,000 in death benefit proceeds directly to your beneficiary.
At WikiQuoters our licensed financial professionals can help make this whole process easier by explaining the differences between types of policies.
Some Great Reasons to Buy Life Insurance
Guaranteed protection
If you have a family, a business, or others who depend on you, the benefit of the right life insurance policy acts as a financial safety net. When you die, your beneficiaries will receive a lump-sum payment which is guaranteed to be paid in full (provided all premiums are paid and there are no outstanding loans).
This means your beneficiaries can do things like:
- Pay the mortgage
- Afford childcare, health care, or other services
- Cover tuition or other college expenses
- Eliminate household debt
- Preserve a family business
- Income replacement
- Tax-free benefits (in general)
- Guaranteed cash value growth
- Supplement retirement income
- Establish an emergency fund
- Dividend potential (not guaranteed)
- Optional riders
As you can see, there are many benefits to owning a life insurance policy. Call WikiQuoters today to discover which type of insurance policy might be right for you and your family!

When it comes to your business, professional advice may be hard to come by. That’s why WikiQuoters uses licensed financial professionals to help you make the best decision for your situation.
Our agents care about people, their livelihoods and our economy. We know that small business is the engine that drives our entire country. Our agents have a strong focus on and commitment to local businesses, wherever they may be. Offering life and disability insurance solutions for business owners and their employees is one of the ways our agents keep this country strong.
Reasons to consider these types of business solutions
- Employee benefits
- Coverage for the loss of key employees
- Succession planning
- Protection for the business you’ve built
- Short and long term protection of income
- Make the most of your retirement
- Rewarding and retaining top talent
- Receive thought leadership with expert financial advice
Many business solutions are more flexible and less expensive than business owners realize.
That’s why today is the perfect time to call WikiQuoters to discover which type of insurance might be right for you and your business!

You know how some insurance quote websites collect a lot of data from you upfront?
We don’t do that!
We know that you want a knowledgeable person to listen to your situation so you can tell them what you really need. What WikiQuoters wants to know is, why have you called us today? It’s the best place to start to get you the best quote in the shortest amount of time.
A knowledgeable licensed agent will answer the phone the first time.
No going through a 3rd party who reads a script, collects your data and patches you through to someone else.
At WikiQuoters we want to make your insurance quote experience as pleasant and as painless as possible.
Get a quote. Get it done. Call WikiQuoters today.


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